School Alerts


Our aim at Astrea The Hill is to provide the highest quality education, delivered within the optimum conditions to learn.  We have high expectations of all pupils regards their behaviour and attitude.  The school uses a positive and restorative approach to behaviour management.

The school has 3 clear rules:

  • Be respectful
  • Be safe
  • Be ready

These 3 rules help to frame conversations about behaviour.  Students understand that their choices are their responsibility and through an exploration of choices through restorative conversations, we hope to encourage children to make good choices and develop strategies for when they feel their emotions are dysregulated.

Children are rewarded for demonstrating the school values of scholarship, curiosity, tenacity, empathy and pride through the use of class dojos which can be exchanged for prize rewards.  Children are also rewarded with certificates, postcards home, stickers and privileges.

Please see below the home/school agreement which gives more detail about the academy behaviour expectations:

THPA expectations HOME (1)

The school’s behaviour policy can be found here:

The Hill Primary Positive Behaviour and Relationships Policy 23.24

The school takes a zero-tolerance approach to bullying.  The anti-bullying alliance describes bullying as:

The repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Bullying can be physical, verbal or psychological. It can happen face-to-face or online.

Please see the school’s anti-bullying policy below:

Anti-bullying Policy 23.24


If you have any concerns around behaviour in school then please speak to the class teacher in the first instance.

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