School Alerts


The school received a full section 5 inspection on the 4th and 5th of May 2023.  The school was rated as ‘Good’ in all areas by Ofsted following an inspection on the 4 and 5 May 2023, which marks a significant improvement from our previous rating of ‘Requires Improvement’ from the inspection in 2019.

The full findings of the report can be read here:

10268199 – The Hill Primary Academy – 138700 Final

We are pleased that the report found that we are a safe, welcoming and calm school and that our pupils engage in lessons and are keen to learn. Ofsted also praised the school leadership for bringing about “huge improvements” in all areas of the school, and for identifying the right priorities to improve the school further. We are so pleased that the hard work of our entire community has been recognised.

This achievement is all down to the incredible work that our staff put in every day to make our school so special and the commitment of our pupils.

We would like to also thank our our school community for your continued support.






A link to the Ofsted website can be found here: Ofsted


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